Thursday, February 7, 2013

Meet Tim Johnson!


KDT Company member Tim Johnson doesn't do double-duty, he goes for quadruple and then some: Director, Development Manager, Administrative Assistant, Actor, and twice a week you can find him teaching the kiddos at University of North Texas. Oh, and did we mention that later this season you'll see him onstage performing his one man show (called, appropriately, Yeah, he's kinda busy. Tomorrow, catch his most recent directorial work in THE CHAIRS, opening tomorrow, February 8 at Kitchen Dog Theater.


Full Given Name
Timothy James Johnson
I never lived anywhere longer than two years as a child.
Zodiac Sign

Gemini Sun, Taurus Moon, Gemini rising 

(my mother and stepfather are both professional astrologers)

Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends

Um, when exactly would I go and see another show???
Favorite Play
I am in love with whatever show I am currently working on.
Most Played Song on Your iPod/Device

Does NPR count? I have recently been obsessively listening to the album Kulanjan by Taj Mahal and Toumani Diabate.

Last Book You Read

Last Good Movie You Saw
I've been watching "The Lord of the Rings" movies in 15-20 minute increments after rehearsals.

Favorite Pre-/Post-Show Meal
I share a bowl of baby carrots with Iris (my dog) every evening after rehearsals while we watch our 20 minutes of LOTR and snuggle on the sofa.

Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure
Star Trek: The Next Generation (loud and proud Trekkie!)
Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap
I almost decapitated Max Hartman in OTHELLO - he forgot to duck. Oh, and years ago, I was playing Wally the Water Bunny (from the Bronx) in a touring show about water conservation. I stepped out to start the show for our preview audience before we hit the road and there were about 500 first and second graders and they all started screaming and I completely went up on my lines. I stared at them for about twenty seconds and then exited the stage.
Worst Costume
The Z Cavariccis I wore during OTHELLO.

Must-See TV Show
I only have Netflix. TV is of the devil.
Bucket List Roles
I'd direct anything by Albee or Beckett. If someone wants to give me a chunk of change, I'm itching to do THE BALCONY and MOTHER COURAGE.
First Show to See at Kitchen Dog


First Show to Be In at Kitchen Dog
Sore Throats (I directed, 1993)
A Play That Hasn’t Been Done on a Dallas Stage But Should Be
Shopping an F***ing [by Mark Ravenhill]
Performer You Would Drop Everything to Go See
Tina Turner (I couldn't afford the ticket last time she was in town) or Bill Irwin. I always try to catch Laurie Anderson when she is in town.

If You Had to Run a Show for 10 Years,
What Would it Be?
Nothing sounds more painful - I'd rather be a dairy farmer.

What Holds Dallas Back From Theatrical Greatness?
$$$$$$$ (or lack thereof)
Show You Hope Never to See Again?

Christmas Carol

Dream Profession if You Didn’t Become an Artist?

A man of leisure.
What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little?

A man of leisure.
Best Piece of Theater You’ve Ever Seen

Hmmm.... I watched 16 of the 18 total performances of WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? when I directed it for Kitchen Dog. It wasn't the best piece of theater I've ever seen, but it was the best piece I've ever had a part in making.

L to R: Cindy Beall, Kieran Connolly, KDT Artistic Director Christopher Carlos,
and Brandy McClendon in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf in May/June 2000

Don't miss THE CHAIRS, running February 8  - March 9. TheaterJones says, "Considering the K-Dogs' love for the absurd - this one's a must.

Opening Night and Valentine's Day are already sold out, so hustle up!
Buy tickets for THE CHAIRS here.

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