Monday, November 5, 2012

Meet Drew Wall!

Get to know Drew Wall, who plays Ray Dooley in THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE, opening this Friday, November 9 at Kitchen Dog Theater.

Full Given Name
Andrew John Wall
Oklahoma City, OK/Dallas, TX
Zodiac Sign
Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends
Sleep No More for my New York friends, even though I haven’t seen it.
I just drool over the concept.
The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity [at Dallas Theater Center] because who doesn’t love wrestling.
Favorite Play
(right now, because it changes every other day)
Titus Andronicus; The Shipment; Gruesome Playground Injuries
Advice You Wish You Had Been Given When You Were Younger
Don’t take out student loans. Or trust the government.
Song You Never Grow Tired of Hearing
Anything Simon and Garfunkel. I used to work in art restoration and I would listen to a three disc album called Old Friends on my iPod all day for months and months while working or welding. They’re definitely in the top 3 favorite bands all time. I don’t think I could function as a human without them. Most notably: At the Zoo, Poem on the Underground Wall, and Overs.
Also, Kalluri Vaanil (popularly referred to as Benny Lava) by Prabhu Deva. He’s essentially the Indian Michael Jackson and his dance moves are mind blowingly brilliant.
Last Book You Read
“Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace
Last Good Movie You Saw
Haven’t seen a new movie that really brought me to my feet in a while, so I’m just going to say Breaking Bad because it’s the greatest television series I’ve ever seen in my life.
Except for Lost (don’t judge).

Favorite Comfort Meal
Macaroni and Cheese with hot dogs; Mexican Street Tacos
I like to wear two pairs of socks on stage and I make restaurant checks/bar tabs/gas tank totals equal out to the number 17 as much as possible.
Worst Costume Ever
I don’t recall any bad costumes. I do hate it when my shoes don’t fit though. It’s my only diva request as an actor, is to get my shoes in rehearsal as soon as possible. Everybody has their own thing I guess. That’s mine.
What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little?
An astronaut and a pilot, my dreams we shattered when I found out I couldn’t fly because I was color blind. They made a movie about it called Little Miss Sunshine while I was in college. As of now, I have received $0 in royalty payments. Thanks Hollywood.

What Was Life Like For You in 1989?
I was 4 so it was pretty easy going. I had my first kiss with a girl in pre-school, her name was Kristin Flowers. This was also my last year as an only child, so I feel like I had it pretty good. I don’t really remember much that didn’t involve Ninja Turtles, X-Men, or Batman. I also started playing soccer. Go Renegades.
When Have You Been the Most Scared In Your Life?
My sister had asthma as a child (still does but it’s much more under control). I remember she had a particularly bad attack when I was a younger teenager and I held her in my lap while we waited for the ambulance to show up. Awful. We’re very close, although we don’t see each other much.
Also, anytime a wasp flies at my face.
Bucket List Roles
The Fool in King Lear. It’s my Hamlet.
First Show to See at Kitchen Dog
Mr. Marmalade
Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap
My first big play in Dallas was called Lobby Hero at Second Thought Theatre. I would get flustered sometimes and go-up on lines I’d said hundreds of times. Whenever I lost my place I would just shrug and look at my co-actor (Allison Pistorious) and say, “Jesus Christ, ya know?” This was my signal and she would steer the train back onto the tracks. Clever girl, that one.
Also, a co-actor of mine during a show which shall go nameless, had a bit too much to drink the night before a matinee and dropped me on my neck/face during a wrestling maneuver and I almost broke it. Luckily I tucked just enough to roll out of it. Close call.
A Play That Hasn’t Been Done on a Dallas Stage But Should Be
Timon of Athens by William Shakespeare (Apemantus might be one of the best roles in the canon. Pheadra’s Love by Sarah Kane (because I’m a sick bastard)
Performer You Would Drop Everything to Go See
Steve Buscemi, Daniel Day-Lewis, Philip Seymour Hoffman, [KDT Company member] Barry Nash, Madeline Kahn (if she were still around), Charlize Theron, Meryl Streep, [KDT Company member] Sally Vahle

One Play You Hope You Never See Again
anything by Neil Simon
What Holds Dallas Back From Theatrical Greatness?
I think we try too hard to find plays that are doing well in other cities (Broadway, Chicago, Humana, etc.), and bring them to Dallas. I think the mark of any great artistic community is to be able to produce fresh new works and transplant them to other cities around the country. We have the talent, donors, and low overhead to make it possible in Dallas, but I feel like we hold back. For fear? For laziness? I don’t know. But we’re doing it wrong.
If You Had to Run a Show for 10 Years, What Would it Be?
I think the people I’m on stage with matter more than the production. I’ve had the great fortune to work with some of the most giving and carefree actors I could ever hope to meet. Some of them happen to be close friends of mine. I never get tired of pretend playing with them.
Dream Profession if You Didn’t Become an Artist?
First Show to Be in at Kitchen Dog
Drew Wall, KDT Company member Leah Spillman, and Chris Hury
in Slasher, by KDT Company member Allison Moore, 2009

Best Piece of Theater You’ve Ever Seen
Barry Nash in Bob Birdnow's Remarkable Tale of Human Survival
and the Transcendence of Self [seen at Second Thought Theatre earlier this year]

Excited to see Drew onstage?
Buy tickets for THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE here.

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