Friday, November 9, 2012

Meet Cameron Cobb!


Now that you know the cast, meet their director. KDT Company member Cameron Cobb directs THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE, opening Tonight, November 9 at Kitchen Dog Theater.


Full Given Name
Cameron Thomas Cobb
Tyler, TX
Zodiac Sign

Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends

On The Eve by [KDT Company member] Michael Federico, with Home by Hovercraft

On the Eve runs November 20 through December 14, 2012.
Help them finish their Kickstarter campaign by 6pm today!

Favorite Play
I think I'm back in my Death of a Salesman phase.
Advice You Wish You Had Been Given
When You Were Younger
Save. Your. Money.
Song You Never Grow Tired of Hearing - Why?

"Elevate Me Later" by Pavement, 
:54 - 1:15 is what happiness sounds like

Last Book You Read

For Work: The Question of God by Dr. Armand Nicholi
For Pleasure: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Last Good Movie You Saw
"Moonrise Kingdom"
Favorite Comfort Meal
Shrimp and Cheese Grits
I always keep my script backstage. To take it home before a show closes is spitting in the face of the theater gods and they will smite you with a bobbled line.

Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap

I did a children's show in high school and my costume had holes throughout... including the pants. I wasn't aware of the necessity for different underwear and upon my first entrance, my boxer shorts betrayed me and the show became VERY adult as another part of my lower anatomy made his stage debut. Yes, there was an audience.

Worst Costume
See above.
What Was Life Like For You in 1989?
I was in 8th grade and I had just kissed a girl "for real". I remember thinking the 90's were gonna be so cool because MTV told me so.
When Have You Been the Most Scared In Your Life?
I attended a camp and fell victim to the old "Fake Sasquatch" trick. I was so scared that I made myself sick breathing heavily.
Bucket List Roles
I'd give anything for another crack at the melancholy Dane - except my life, except my life, except my life.
First Show to See at Kitchen Dog
The Glass Menagerie, directed by this plucky little lass named Tina Parker

KDT Commpany members Shelley Tharp-Payton,
Dan Day (KDT Founding Artistic Director),
Bill Lengfelder, with Mary Booty in The Glass Menagerie
First Show to Be In at Kitchen Dog
Mr. Marmalade by Noah Haidl

KDT Co-Artistic Directors Tina Parker and Christopher Carlos
with Cameron in Mr. Marmalade.
A Play That Hasn’t Been Done on a Dallas Stage But Should Be
The Weir by Conor McPherson
Performer You Would Drop Everything to Go See
One Play You Hope You Never See Again
Julius Caesar
What Holds Dallas Back From Theatrical Greatness?
The Metroplex entertainment consumers don't know how good they have it.
Chicago did it right.
If You Had to Run a Show for 10 Years,
What Would it Be?

Turn of the Screw by Jeffrey Hatcher. Simple set, costumes, and lights... with tons of the good old fashioned theater magic.

Dream Profession if You Didn’t Become an Artist?

Professional Sleep Study Participant

What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little?

A ninja or Batman... but I think everyone knew the truth I didn't... that underneath it all, I was going to be an actor... especially when I would wear my home-made ninja and Batman costumes around the neighborhood.

Best Piece of Theater You’ve Ever Seen

Tough call. I'm hoping it will be The Beauty Queen of Leenane, opening at Kitchen Dog on November 9th.

You know the cast and director, now come see them live! Opening Night is sold out, but for Saturday, November 10 ONLY, Buy One, Get One FREE. Just $25 for you and a friend! Use code: BQBOGO.
Buy tickets for THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE here.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Meet Karen Parrish!

Our Beauty Queen, Maureen Folan, is played by Karen Parrish in THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE, opening this Friday, November 9 at Kitchen Dog Theater.

Full Given Name
Karen Parrish
San Antonio, TX

Zodiac Sign
Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends

I need to see more theater really; I get stuck in a crazy schedule. I took my kids to see Joseph [and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat] this Summer at DTC and it was very enjoyable and we sang along. That was super fun. I need to see more. Becky Shaw [at Kitchen Dog] was very good, interesting, took lots of friends; they loved it.
Favorite Play
The Scottish Play
Advice You Wish You Had Been Given
When You Were Younger

Work hard, but don't let other people take advantage of you; no one is better than you.
Song You Never Grow Tired of Hearing - Why?
Dave Matthews - You and Me. You can float around in it.
Last Book You Read
Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf
Last Good Movie You Saw
Wow - I don't get to watch movies very much - "Brave."
Favorite Comfort Meal
Enchiladas Verdes
Knock on wood when you say something horrible that hasn't happened to you yet. God gives you one warning.
Worst Costume Ever
Lysistrata in graduate school - Madonna torpedo bra thing; tiny tutu and eight inch heels.

What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little?
A plumber.
What Was Life Like For You in 1989?
Pretty awesome, immersed in the Theater machine that is Meadows-SMU. Never could really get the eighties/SMU fashion down, though. 
When Have You Been the Most Scared In Your Life?
Once three armed men tried to break into my apartment when I was in college. And then when I went into labor, that was scary, too.
Bucket List Roles
I always freeze up when someone asks me what I want to do if I could. I think I work best taking on the role that finds me next.
First Show to See at Kitchen Dog
Fur [by Midgalia Cruz]

KDT Company members Leah Spillman (l), Christopher Carlos,
and Shelly Tharp-Payton in Fur.
First Show to Be In at Kitchen Dog
Road [by Jim Cartwright]
A Play That Hasn’t Been Done on a Dallas Stage But Should Be
Performer You Would Drop Everything to Go See
Daniel Day-Lewis.

Karen will get her chance soon;
Lincoln opens nationwide November 16.
One Play You Hope You Never See Again
Every play has potential - but anything about The Holocaust, done by high school students, I don't ever have to see again.
What Holds Dallas Back From Theatrical Greatness?
We just see ourselves as the underdogs instead of owning the greatness.
If You Had to Run a Show for 10 Years,
What Would it Be?
Wow that's a long time, probably a Chekhov - maybe The Cherry Orchard because you never really get it right and you could work on it forever.
Dream Profession if You Didn’t Become an Artist?
Kept Woman or Child Advocate Lawyer, depending on the day.

Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap

My tube top fell down once in Road! That was fun.

Best Piece of Theater You’ve Ever Seen

The Three Lives of Lucie Cabrol, Teatre Complicite

Ready to meet the Beauty Queen?
Buy tickets for THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Meet Nancy Sherrard!


Nancy Sherrard makes her KDT debut as Mag Folan in THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE, opening this Friday, November 9 at Kitchen Dog Theater.


Full Given Name
Nancy Carroll Sherrard
Dallas, TX
Zodiac Sign


Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends

1776 at Lyric Stage

Favorite Play
You Can't Take It With You
Advice You Wish You Had Been Given When You Were Younger
Not everyone in this world is going to love you, and that's ok.

Song You Never Grow Tired of Hearing - Why?

Stevie Ray Vaughan, "Little Wing" because it reminds me of happy, carefree times, and, Stevie.

Last Book You Read

Last book was a re-read; “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”

Last Good Movie You Saw
I'm behind on movies but I loved "My Week With Marilyn"
Favorite Comfort Meal
Grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup
I feel the need to round up to even numbers whenever I can.

Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap

At Gaslight dinner theater in OKC when I was a college student, it had the kind of dinner theater stage that rolls out to the center, leaving an empty well backstage.  I missed my entrance cue and actors onstage and audience were completely silent as they heard my pounding feet  run from the dressing room, down and across the well where the stage used to be and around to make my out of breath entrance stage left.  To sing.

What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little?
An actress, according to my mother. I told her this at age four.
What Was Life Like For You in 1989?
It was a year of great turmoil and transition for me.

A Play That Hasn’t Been Done on a Dallas Stage But Should Be
Master Class by Terrence McNally
When Have You Been the Most Scared In Your Life?
At 12, I was babysitting for a very glamourous single lady in our neighborhood while she went out on a date. Evidently she was in the middle of a divorce fight with her husband. The kids were asleep, and her ex came knocking on the front door and when I wouldn’t open it, came pounding on the sliding glass door in the back, screaming and cussing. I got on the phone to my best friend, who got in a fight with her mother whether I should call the police or not. Fortunately, he left without incident, but I never babysat for her again.

Bucket List Roles
Medea; Margaret in Richard III; Mrs. Malaprop in The Rivals; and yes, Maria Callas in Master Class to name a few.
First Show to See at Kitchen Dog
Their first production, MUD, in 1991

KDT Company (and founding) members Sally Vahle,
Joe Nemmers, and John Morgan in MUD, 1991.

Worst Costume Ever

The one I provided for myself, in that famous production of Fiddler on the Roof at Gaslight Dinner Theatre.

Performer You Would Drop Everything to Go See
Christopher Walken or Frances McDormand

Christopher Walken currently stars in Martin McDonagh's
latest movie Seven Psychopaths
One Play You Hope You Never See Again
No Sex, Please, We're British
What Holds Dallas Back From Theatrical Greatness?

Greatness already abounds in Dallas theater, in my opinion. The issue I think is one of perception and recognition on a national level. What keeps Dallas as being viewed as provincial, in terms of “name” actors appearing, or as an actor’s destination like Chicago, and how to fix that, I leave to greater minds than mine to figure out.

If You Had to Run a Show for 10 Years,
What Would it Be?

10 years? Maybe not, but I could have played Mattie Fae Aiken in August: Osage County for at least 5.

Nancy with the cast of August: Osage County
at WaterTower Theatre in April 2012

Dream Profession if You Didn’t Become an Artist?


First Show to Be in at Kitchen Dog

This one, and very proud to be a part of it, too.

Best Piece of Theater You’ve Ever Seen

Les Miserables with the original cast in London in the late '80's.

Want to catch Nancy's KDT debut?
Buy tickets for THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE here.