Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Actors Turn On Each Other: Part I

Part I of this two-part interview introduces you to Jenny and Mike, and starts to delve into their darkest secrets, like what they're reading, and how Mike loves him some Honey Boo Boo Child.


Full Given Name
Jennifer Kathleen Ledel
Michael Craig Federico
Bedford, TX
Philadelphia, PA (but really Plano, TX)
Zodiac Sign
Current Show You Have Been Recommending to Friends
The Most Happy Fella at Lyric Stage (with my husband [Alex Organ] in it) and Macbeth at Shakespeare Dallas (opening soon with a killer cast!)
I’ve been talking about Becky Shaw to my friends quite a lot lately

Favorite Play
Currently it’s Macbeth; A Streetcar Named Desire; The Crucible
Travesties by Tom Stoppard; A Midsummer Night’s Dream

First Show You Saw at Kitchen Dog
  I believe it was Woyzek and then Mr. Marmalade [in which Mike appeared]

The Baltimore Waltz, which starred now-Co-Artistic Directors Tina Parker and Christopher Carlos
Last Book You Read
Vanity Fair by William Thackeray
Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya
Must-see TV Show
Breaking Bad
Mad Men; Parks and Recreation; Doctor Who


Last Good Movie You Saw
The Future by Miranda July (very freeform and intriguing..) and Moonrise Kingdom (great)
The Dark Knight Rises; His Girl Friday

Performer You Would Drop Everything To See
Cate Blanchett, Jessica Hecht, Radiohead, Regina Spektor, to name a few
Sigur Ros, or Led Zeppelin
if Bonzo rose from the dead
Pop Culture Guilty Pleasure
Facebook, YouTube videos of stupid people getting attacked by wild animals… also A&E’s Intervention (this show is perfect for actors – the people involved have strong specific objectives that inform all of their behavior…)
Toddlers and Tiaras (God, I hate myself)
Favorite Pre-/Post-Show Meal
I can’t eat a lot before the show – preshow it’s trail mix, PB crackers, and Cliff bars. I like to be a little hungry.
Pre- is pasta of some kind; Post- a cold Coca-Cola
Worst Flubbed Line/Missed Cue/Onstage Mishap
In a scene from Streetcar (where I played the worst Blanche on the face of the planet) I had to smash a bottle on the table and hold the broken end in my costar’s face.  It is in the stage directions and it is also commented on in the dialogue (Stanley says “What are you gonna do with that?” – horrible paraphrase).   I had not gotten to rehearse with a bottle as we only had enough for the performance.  So I smashed the bottle (it was a special ‘break away’ glass) and the entire thing disintegrated in my hand leaving a fine powder to hold in Stanleys face.  I looked in terror at my costar who continued to say the lines even though I didn’t have the bottle-end he was speaking about about… it was awkward and horrible and hilarious.
Once this light almost fell on me during a show, but I don’t like to talk about it.


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